SAFE House Domestic Violence Program
The SAFE House program provides immediate, temporary shelter to individual victims of domestic violence and their dependent children. SAFE House also assists in finding long-term, safe, affordable housing, case planning and referrals for appropriate resources, individual and group counseling, crisis and peer counseling, and other services.
In addition, SAFE House provides basic physical needs (food, shelter, clothing, transportation), assistance and support, including more intensive support for low-income/no income families, education and assistance in working with the Criminal Justice System, orders of protection, other court documents, follow up assistance, and needed language services.
A Story of Hope
These are the true stories of hope about real people from within Frontier Health. We have changed the names to protect their privacy.

A mom of two, trying to escape a domestic violence situation reached out to Safe House for support. “Jane” had been working on her nursing degree but with a violent situation at home and nowhere to go she saw her dreams of self-sufficiency fading.
The team at Safe House made the quick decision to place her in one of our Safe House apartments with all rent and utilities paid for an entire year. “Jane” and her children were finally safe, and she was even able to continue her nursing degree and graduate. Now “Jane” works as a nurse and has made a new start with a new home for her and her children.”
Your support matters so much to all of us at the Frontier Health Foundation.
Through your continued dedication, the Foundation has been able to contribute $240,000 for the Frontier Health Safe House and Domestic Violence Program. We invite you to be a part of our growing community of givers and help us continue this great work!